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File System Errors(-33 to -61)

#Result CodeFixit!Error Message
-33dirFulErrN/ADirectory full
-34dskFulErrN/ADisk full
-35nsvErrN/ANo such volume; volume not found
-36ioErrN/AI/O error
-37bdNamErrN/ABad file name; there may be no bad names in the final system!
-38fnOpnErrN/AFile not open
-39eofErrN/AEnd of file; no additional data in the format
-40posErrN/ATried to position to before start of file (r/w)
-41mFulErrN/AMemory full (open) or file won't fit (load)
-42tmfoErrN/Atoo many files open
-43fnfErrN/AFile not found; Folder not found; Edition container not found; Target not found
-44wPrErrN/ADisk is write-protected; Volume is locked through hardware
-45fLckdErrN/AFile is locked
-45fLckedErrN/APublisher writing to an edition
-46vLckdErrN/AVolume is locked through software
-47fBsyErrN/AFile is busy (delete); Section doing I/O
-48dupFNErrN/ADuplicate filename (rename); File found instead of folder
-49opWrErrN/AFile already open with write permission
-50paramErrN/AError in user parameter list
-51rfNumErrN/AReference number invalid
-52gfpErrN/AGet file position error
-53volOffLinErrN/AVolume is off line
-54permErrN/ASoftware lock on file; Not a subscriber [permissions error on file open]
-55volOnLinErrN/Adrive volume already on-line at MountVol
-56nsDrvErrN/Ano such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)
-57noMacDskErrN/Anot a Macintosh disk (sig bytes are wrong)
-58extFSErrN/AExternal file system __ file system identifier is nonzero
-59fsRnErrN/Afile system internal error: during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored.
-60badMDBErrN/Abad master directory block
-61wrPermErrN/AWrite permissions error; Not a publisher

This page was last modified on Saturday, 05-Feb-2011 15:11:54 EST.

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