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Limit Rockwell HCF, ACF (driver version 3.xx), and HSF (Soft56) Connection Speed

The following string must be used to limit the connection speed:

(NOTE: The ACF with a driver versions of 3 or higher uses the HCF/HSF command set)

+MS=<carrier>,<automode>,<min tx rate>,<max tx rate>,<min rx rate>,<max rx rate>

<carrier> = Modulation.  The selections are:

Value of <carrier> Modulation Type Speed Range(bps)
V21 v.21 300
V22 v.22 1200
V22B v.22bis 1200-2400
V23C v.23 1200
V32 v.32 4800-9600
V32B v.32bis 3800-14400
V34 v.34 2400-33600
V90 v.90 28000-56000
K56 k56flex 32000-56000
B103 Bell 103 300
B212 Bell 212 1200


<automode> = Automode.  The selections are:

Value of <automode> Option this selects
0 Automode disabled
1 Automode enabled using V.8 bis/V.8 or V.32 Annex A


<min tx rate> = Lowest transfer rate allowed.  

<max tx rate> = Highest transfer rate allowed.

The selections are:

75 21600
300 24000
600 26400
1200 28000
2400 28800
4800 29333
7200 30667
9600 31200
12000 32000
14400 33333
16800 33600


<min rx rate> = Lowest connect rate allowed.  

<max rx rate> = Highest connect rate allowed.

The selections are:

Allowed values for v.90(bps) Allowed values for k56flex(bps) Allowed values for v.34(bps)
28000 32000 75
29333 34000 300
30667 36000 600
32000 38000 1200
33333 40000 2400
34667 42000 4800
36000 44000 7200
37333 46000 9600
38667 48000 12000
40000 50000 14400
41333 52000 16800
42667 54000 19200
44000 56000 21600
45333   24000
46667   26400
48000   28800
49333   31200
50667   33600


Example string:


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