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Limit USR/3COM Connection Speed


Lowest Link Speed Init:  &U(xx)

Highest Link Speed Init:  &N(xx)

The "(xx)" can be found in the following chart (only if the modem is v90):

"(xx)"(value) Speed(bps) "(xx)"(value) Speed(bps) "(xx)"(value) Speed(bps) "(xx)"(value) Speed(bps)
1 300 11 21600 21 33333 31 46666
2 1200 12 24000 22 34666 32 48000
3 2400 13 26400 23 36000 33 49333
4 4800 14 28800 24 37333 34 50666
5 7200 15 31200 25 38666 35 52000
6 9600 16 33600 26 40000 36 53333
7 12000 17 28000 27 41333 37 54666
8 14400 18 29333 28 42666 38 56000
9 16800 19 30666 29 44000 39 57333
10 19200 20 32000 30 45333 0 Limit off

This page was last modified on Saturday, 05-Feb-2011 15:14:02 EST.

This website is ©1999-Present Bradford Liedel DBA ModemHelp Networks and Web Services. Mason, MI 48854 USA. All rights reserved.