Outdated Drivers
Can cause hardware related Errors. Check your PC Drivers now.

Start Manager Errors(-290 to -400)

#Result CodeFixit!Error Message
-290smSDMInitErrN/ASDM could not be initialized.
-291smSRTInitErrN/ASlot Resource Table could not be initialized.
-292smPRAMInitErrN/ASlot Resource Table could not be initialized.
-293smPriInitErrN/ACards could not be initialized.
-300smEmptySlotN/ANo card in slot
-301smCRCFailN/ACRC check failed for declaration data
-302smFormatErrN/AFHeader Format is not Apple's
-303smRevisionErrN/AWrong revison level
-304smNoDirN/ADirectory offset is Nil
-305smLWTstBadN/ALong Word test field $5A932BC7.
-306smNosInfoArrayN/ANo sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error.
-307smResrvErrN/AFatal reserved error. Reserved field 0.
-308smUnExBusErrN/AUnexpected Bus Error
-309smBLFieldBadN/AByteLanes field was bad.
-310smFHBlockRdErrN/AError occured during _sGetFHeader.
-311smFHBlkDispErrN/AError occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose ofFHeader block).
-312smDisposePErrN/A_DisposePointer error
-313smNoBoardsRsrcN/ANo Board sResource.
-314smGetPRErrN/AError occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).
-315smNoBoardIdN/ANo Board Id.
-316smIntStatVErrN/AThe InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.
-317smIntTblVErrN/AAn error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.
-318smNoJmpTblN/ASDM jump table could not be created.
-319smBadBoardIdN/ABoardId was wrong, re-init the PRAM record.
-320smBusErrTON/ABusError time out.
-330smBadRefIdN/AReference Id not found in list
-331smBadsListN/ABad sResource [sList] structure:Id1
-332smReservedErrN/AReserved field not zero
-333smCodeRevErrN/ACode revision is wrong
-334smCPUErrN/ACode revision is wrong
-335smsPointerNilN/ALPointer is nil {From sOffsetData. Check sInfo rec for more information.}
-336smNilsBlockErrN/ANil sBlock error {Don't allocate and try to use a nil sBlock}
-337smSlotOOBErrN/ASlot out of bounds error
-338smSelOOBErrN/ASelector out of bounds error; function not implemented
-339smNewPErrN/A_NewPtr error
-340smBlkMoveErrN/A_BlockMove error
-341smCkStatusErrN/AStatus of slot = fail.
-342smGetDrvrNamErrN/AError occured during _sGetDrvrName.
-343smDisDrvrNamErrN/AError occured during _sDisDrvrName.
-344smNoMoresRsrcsN/ANo more sResources *OR*
-344smNoMoresResourcesN/ASpecified sResource data structure not found
-345smsGetDrvrErrN/AError occurred during _sGetDriver.
-346smBadsPtrErrN/ABad pointer was passed to sCaldSPointer function
-347smByteLanesErrN/AByteLanes field in card's format block was determined to be zero
-348smOffsetErrN/AOffset was too big (temporary,should be fixed)
-349smNoGoodOpensN/ANo opens were successfull in the loop.
-350smSRTOvrFlErrN/ASRT over flow.
-351smRecNotFndN/ARecord not found in the SRT. Device Manager Slot Support Errors
-360slotNumErrN/Ainvalid slot # error
-400gcrOnMFMErrN/Agcr format on high density media error

This page was last modified on Saturday, 05-Feb-2011 15:11:54 EST.

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