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Apple Remote Access(ARA) Error Codes - LINKTOOL MANAGER(-5901 to -5930)

#Result CodeFixit!Error Message
-5901ERR_LTM_LISTENER_ID_IN_USEN/ASpecified Listener identifier is in use
-5902ERR_LTM_NO_LISTENERN/AListener of specified type is not available
-5903ERR_LTM_RESOURCE_NOT_REGISTEREDN/AListener of specified type is not available
-5904ERR_LTM_PORT_NOT_CLAIMEDN/Aclaim request failed because to port is busy
-5905ERR_LTM_COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWEDN/ALTM command not allowed on specified port
-5906ERR_LTM_BAD_VERSIONN/Aconnect failed due to incompatible LTM versions
-5907ERR_LTM_ARBITRATION_TIMEOUTN/ATime outduring the listener arbitration.
-5908ERR_LTM_KODE_NOT_FOUNDN/Akode resource not found in specified file fail.
-5910ERR_LTM_RESOURCE_CLAIMEDN/Acall failed because resource is already claimed
-5911ERR_LTM_PORT_RESOURCES_CLAIMEDN/APort's resources are already claimed
-5912ERR_LTM_RESOURCE_NOT_CLAIMEDN/Acall failed because the resource was unclaimed
-5913ERR_LTM_PORT_RESOURCES_NOT_CLAIMEDN/AThe LTM port's resources are NOT claimed.
-5914ERR_LTM_PORT_UNCLAIMEDN/ALTM listen port unclaimed
-5915ERR_LTM_CONNECTION_REFUSEDN/ALTM listener refused connect request
-5916ERR_LTM_CLAIM_ABORTEDN/ALTM claim call aborted due to LTM_ARB_CLAIM_CANCEL call
-5917ERR_LTM_END_OF_PORT_LISTN/AEnd of open port list reached in current port status session
-5918ERR_LTM_NOT_CONNECTEDN/ANot connected.
-5919ERR_LTM_CONNECTION_ABORTEDN/AConnection request aborted
-5920ERR_LTM_BAD_LENGTHN/ALength of write request exceeds maximum.
-5921ERR_LTM_BAD_PARAMETERN/ABad parameter.
-5922ERR_LTM_COMMAND_IN_PROGRESSN/ACommand already in progress.
-5923ERR_LTM_CONNECTEDN/AConnection established.
-5924ERR_LTM_CONNECT_CANCELEDN/AConnection request canceled.
-5925ERR_LTM_CONNECT_TIMEDOUTN/AConnection time out.
-5926ERR_LTM_NO_DEFAULTSN/ACould not get default info...
-5927ERR_LTM_GOOD_BYEN/AThe driver is going away in a rude fashion
-5928ERR_LTM_BAD_CHECKSUMN/ABad checksum in framer
-5929ERR_LTM_BAD_PROTOCOLN/ABad protocol type in PPP frame

This page was last modified on Saturday, 05-Feb-2011 15:11:55 EST.

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