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AppleTalk - PPC Toolbox Errors(-900 to -932)

#Result CodeFixit!Error Message
-900notInitErr PPCN/AToolbox has not been initialized yet
-902nameTypeErrN/AInvalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in location name
-903noPortErrN/AInvalid port name; Unable to open port or bad port reference number
-904noGlobalsErrN/ASystem unable to allocate memory, critical error
-905localOnlyErrN/ANetwork activity is currently disabled
-906destPortErrN/APort does not exist at destination
-907sessTableErrN/APPC Toolbox is unable to create a session
-908noSessionErrN/AInvalid session reference number
-909badReqErrN/ABad parameter or invalid state for this operation
-910portNameExistsErrN/AAnother port is already open with this name
-911noUserNameErrN/AUser name unknown on destination machine
-912userRejectErrN/ADestination rejected the session request
-915noResponseErrN/AUnable to contact application
-916portClosedErrN/AThe port was closed
-917sessClosedErrN/AThe session has closed
-919badPortNameErrN/APPC port record is invalid
-922noDefaultUserErrN/AUser has not specified owner name in Sharing Setup control panel
-923notLoggedInErrN/ADefault user reference number does not yet exist
-924noUserRefErrN/AUnable to create a new user reference number
-925networkErrN/AAn error has occurred in the network
-926noInformErrN/APPCStart failed because target application did not have an inform pending
-927authFailErrN/AUser's password is wrong
-928noUserRecErrN/AInvalid user reference number
-930badServiceMethodErrN/AService method is other than ppcServiceRealTime
-931badLocNameErrN/ALocation name is invalid
-932guestNotAllowedErrN/ADestination port requires authentication

This page was last modified on Saturday, 05-Feb-2011 15:11:55 EST.

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